Saturday, 26 October 2019

New-b Perspective: Gaslands

Hi All,

I've recently been introduced to a game called Gaslands by Osprey Publishing. I'm going to use it a spring board to setup a series about picking up a new game and looking at through the lens no experience with the system at all, I'm calling it The New-b Perspective.

Now onto the game, Gaslands is all about vehicular combat in a dystopian present. In a very brief summery the story goes; The Space Race wasn't abandoned which lead to the colonization of Mars, who then attacked earth left it a ruined wasteland and took over governance of the planet. It's now 2018 and it's hell on earth, the biggest thing on TV is Gaslands a series of Vehicular Combat races that the winner gets to leave the living hell of Earth and move to the perfect vision of civilization on Mars.

But the really cool part is that you use Matchbox Cars that you glue guns and armour plates to, that you then push around the table making brooooom and pew pew noises.

As I mentioned above the game is designed with the idea of using matchbox scale vehicles to build off, convert and paint for use on the tabletop. They have a guide included to scale up and down the templates if you would prefer to use more of a Micro Machine, or up to 28mm Scale.

Even here in Australia getting into the game is very affordable, you can pick up the print rule book on Amazon for a little over A$30, you can download and print the templates, it uses D6's that almost everyone has laying around and I picked up 6 Cars for $3 from a discount store. If like me you have  40k and Infinity weapons laying around you can be up and playing for less than A$40. In saying that getting hold of a set of Shift dice will make the Gear (movement) phase a lot more streamlined than rolling against a table. I've seen shift dice on ebay for around US$12 for 8 of them so they don't add much to the starting expense

Test Machine 1. Note to self next time get granny grating that's a different colour to the cutting mat

At the time of writing this I haven't had the chance to play yet. A couple of us should have cars ready to play shortly, and I'm planing to have a second team ready to use to try and rope in a third player, it looks like the kind of game that would be an absolute blast with multiple players.

Keep on Gaming

Gaslands Download Page

Gaslands Rulebook - Affiliate Link
Gaslands Tokens - Affiliate Link
Gaslands Templates - Affiliate Link

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