Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Gaslands: Team Red Line

Hi All,

I have had some fun giving into the Gaslands bug and getting the first 3 cars of my Idiris Sponsored team painted. Let me introduce Team Redline:

Team Redline

 I don't usually paint models that are so flat, they've come up looking different than I was expecting, and the varnish behaves very differently than with the GW miniatures I usually paint so I can see a bit of a learning curve for me when it comes to painting and modeling these vehicles in the future.

WRX with Side Flame Throwers

Corvette with Oil Slick Dropper

Ford Focus with Front Ram
I have another 5 vehicles I'm building to add to Team Redline, I'm not entirely happy with how gluing bits to the car and painting it looks so for the next batch I'm drilling out the rivets that hold the cars together so I can get to the insides so I can place the mesh inside, I'll be able to paint the vehicle interiors and paint the little details separate to the main vehicle body which will hopefully improve the overall look of the vehicles. I'm hoping putting them together this way will let me keep the "glass" pieces clear rather than painting them a solid colour like I have.

I'm also playing around with magnets so I can have turrets that spin and can switch out upgrades as I play around with different builds. Once I have these bad boyz finished I'm really looking forward to putting my hand to a very Strayan Slime Team.

Keep on gaming

Gaslands - Affiliate

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