Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Gaslands: Team Red Line

Hi All,

I have had some fun giving into the Gaslands bug and getting the first 3 cars of my Idiris Sponsored team painted. Let me introduce Team Redline:

Team Redline

 I don't usually paint models that are so flat, they've come up looking different than I was expecting, and the varnish behaves very differently than with the GW miniatures I usually paint so I can see a bit of a learning curve for me when it comes to painting and modeling these vehicles in the future.

WRX with Side Flame Throwers

Corvette with Oil Slick Dropper

Ford Focus with Front Ram
I have another 5 vehicles I'm building to add to Team Redline, I'm not entirely happy with how gluing bits to the car and painting it looks so for the next batch I'm drilling out the rivets that hold the cars together so I can get to the insides so I can place the mesh inside, I'll be able to paint the vehicle interiors and paint the little details separate to the main vehicle body which will hopefully improve the overall look of the vehicles. I'm hoping putting them together this way will let me keep the "glass" pieces clear rather than painting them a solid colour like I have.

I'm also playing around with magnets so I can have turrets that spin and can switch out upgrades as I play around with different builds. Once I have these bad boyz finished I'm really looking forward to putting my hand to a very Strayan Slime Team.

Keep on gaming

Gaslands - Affiliate

Monday, 4 November 2019

D&D 5e: Homebrew Huntsman Spider

Hi All,

I wanted something a little scarier than a regular undead spider for our first session back playing Curse of Strahd after a couple month hiatus. So here is my take on the dreaded Huntsman Spider.

The Huntsman Spider

Large enough to be the mount of choice for an Ogre and with a leg span of close to 40 feet the Huntsman Skeletal Constructs are horrifying creatures, created by powerful necromantic mages that have a need for individuals to be brought to their lairs in a subdued but stable condition. The magics contained within the abdominal cages large enough to hold a full-grown Orc wrap the trapped individuals in ghostly webs that drain the strength and hinder their mobility leaving them easily handled once they have been delivered to the mage.

The Huntsman will sit dormant hidden beneath the earth until their master requires their services or every decade or so they need to feed on the life force of a mortal to maintain the magics that hold them together. When they feed it is a terrible and painful fate for the unfortunate victim, instead of draining their strength and subduing the captured mortal they drain their victim’s life force ageing them in the process until nothing, but dust remains. Because of this ability to feed and maintain their own enchantments the Huntsman often outlives their creator. Thankfully the mages that create these constructs are solitary and greedy in nature so the knowledge of how to create them is incredibly difficult to find.

Huntsman Spider
Huge Undead, Lawful Evil
AC 13 (Natural Armour)
HP 50 (7d8+21)
Speed 50 ft
20 (+5)
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
5 (-3)
13 (+1)
4 (-3)
Skills Stealth +8
Damage Resistances Non-Magical Attacks
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Blindsight 50 ft, Darkvision 120 ft

Innate Spellcasting. The Huntsman Spider’s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom. They can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components.
At Will: Poison Spray, Spider Climb
3/Day: Jump, Pass Without Trace,
1/Day: Meld with Earth (as Meld with Stone but bare earth instead)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft, one creature. Hit:10 (1d10+5) piercing damage and if the target is a medium creature or smaller the target succeed on a DC16 Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed and deposited in the Abdominal Cage.
Abdominal Cage (Capture Mode): While within the Abdominal Cage the creature has partial cover from attacks outside the Abdominal Cage, also each turn the creature must make a DC16 Constitution saving throw or loose 1d3 Dexterity and 1 Strength or lose only 1 Dexterity on a success. A creature that is reduced to 0 Strength or Dexterity is helpless and unconscious, kept in a catatonic state for transport. A long rest will heal all ability damage taken in this way.
Abdominal Cage (Feeding Mode): While within the Abdominal Cage the creature has partial cover from attacks outside the Abdominal Cage, also each turn the creature must make a DC16 Constitution saving throw or loose 1d3 Dexterity and 1 Constitution and ages 2 years or lose only 1 Dexterity on a success. A creature reduced to 0 Dexterity is helpless and unconscious, if the creature’s constitution reaches 0 the creature dies, and their body is turned to dust. A long rest will heal all ability damage taken in this way but not return the characters lost youth.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one creature. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) bludgeoning damage.

Keep on Gaming

Saturday, 2 November 2019

WIP: 40K Kill Team - Bullgryn

Hi all,

Here’s a quick look at my Bullgryn conversation I’m working on for Kill Team and 40K Role Play. The kits are a little small in and lack a certain feralness (I know it’s not a word) so I’m creating a monster from the AOS Bullgor’s.

He’s going to be armed with a Slab Shield made from a Rhino side door, and the right hand will have a maul. It’s been a very long time since I’ve used green stuff and it definitely shows with the quality of the “sculpting” but I’m happy enough that once I’m done it should look like he’s wearing pants and boots, if not of the highest manufactured quality. Feel free to leave me any hints, tips or critique, it will all help me improve for the next project.

Keep on Gaming

Warhammer 40k: Kill Team - Affilliate 

Thursday, 31 October 2019

WIP: Gaslands Idris

Hi All,

Happy Halloween, here’s a quick look at my WIP Idris for Gaslands. The Corvette is a performance vehicle with the WRX and Focus representing buggy’s.There is still mesh to put over open windows and some general embellishing but they’re playable and what you see is what you get which is important to me for reduced confusion on the table.

Performance Car
Oil Slick Dropper
Nitro Booster
Trick Driving
Hot Start

Nitro Booster
Front Ram

Nitro Booster
Side Flamethrower

This will be the first of at least three teams, this is the race team, I’ll do a combat team, and a Slime team to let out my inner bogan, I’m really hoping I can find some early 90’s station wagons to use for Slime.

Keep on Gaming

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

New-b Perspective: Gaslands, The First Game

Hi All,

The Lineup
I've had the chance to play my first game of Gaslands, and I'm definitely hooked. I couldn't play with a couple of random vehicles, so I converted and painted two teams to run against each other. We had Pink Piggy and The Frog up against Max Steel and Iron Mike. These were a lot more fun to put together than I thought they would and despite being made from the cheapest cars I could get my hands on they ended up looking not too bad.

Ready to Race
We decided to leave out the more complex rules and run a death race around a figure 8 track, which worked well to keep the front runners mixing it up with the car in the tail, this really helped to keep the game interesting and mad sure all of the cars had an impact in the race. From the start we were mixing it up, there were multiple collisions within the first couple of rounds of play and these really set the scene for most of the race, the Slip Away rule the Performance Cars have really handed me the game with The Frog ramming Iron Mike on the second activation allowing me to pull away from the pack and Pink Piggy's final activation being a desperate attempt to take a rather shot to bits Iron Mike out of the game with a ram that ended up catapulting him across the line to victory after a very lucky evade test that left him with only a single hull point left at the end of the game.

The Collision
At the other end of the pack was Max Steel who was hit by Pink Piggy early in the game then hit Piggy back, lost control and flipped all before passing the First Gate. Much to everyone's amusement Max managed to cross the First Gate as the other three cars crossed the Third and were on an intersecting path with Max, which lead to a shootout and a not so effective attempt to get into Piggy and he Frogs way and keep them from harassing Iron Mike.

All in all I had a blast, It's a pity the third player we had lined up was unable to make it it would have been a lot of fun having an extra player, and I can only imagine the carnage that would have been present with a couple of extra cars in the pack at the turn into the first Gate. My opponent caught the Gaslands bug as well as as soon as he got home he pulled out his buckets of cars his parents still had from when he was a kid and started scheming his revenge.

The Run Away

The Finish Line
Keep on Gaming


Saturday, 26 October 2019

New-b Perspective: Gaslands

Hi All,

I've recently been introduced to a game called Gaslands by Osprey Publishing. I'm going to use it a spring board to setup a series about picking up a new game and looking at through the lens no experience with the system at all, I'm calling it The New-b Perspective.

Now onto the game, Gaslands is all about vehicular combat in a dystopian present. In a very brief summery the story goes; The Space Race wasn't abandoned which lead to the colonization of Mars, who then attacked earth left it a ruined wasteland and took over governance of the planet. It's now 2018 and it's hell on earth, the biggest thing on TV is Gaslands a series of Vehicular Combat races that the winner gets to leave the living hell of Earth and move to the perfect vision of civilization on Mars.

But the really cool part is that you use Matchbox Cars that you glue guns and armour plates to, that you then push around the table making brooooom and pew pew noises.

As I mentioned above the game is designed with the idea of using matchbox scale vehicles to build off, convert and paint for use on the tabletop. They have a guide included to scale up and down the templates if you would prefer to use more of a Micro Machine, or up to 28mm Scale.

Even here in Australia getting into the game is very affordable, you can pick up the print rule book on Amazon for a little over A$30, you can download and print the templates, it uses D6's that almost everyone has laying around and I picked up 6 Cars for $3 from a discount store. If like me you have  40k and Infinity weapons laying around you can be up and playing for less than A$40. In saying that getting hold of a set of Shift dice will make the Gear (movement) phase a lot more streamlined than rolling against a table. I've seen shift dice on ebay for around US$12 for 8 of them so they don't add much to the starting expense

Test Machine 1. Note to self next time get granny grating that's a different colour to the cutting mat

At the time of writing this I haven't had the chance to play yet. A couple of us should have cars ready to play shortly, and I'm planing to have a second team ready to use to try and rope in a third player, it looks like the kind of game that would be an absolute blast with multiple players.

Keep on Gaming

Gaslands Download Page

Gaslands Rulebook - Affiliate Link
Gaslands Tokens - Affiliate Link
Gaslands Templates - Affiliate Link

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Getting Started with the Cypher System - For Free

Hey all,

Monte Cook Games has recently released a free product called Cypher Shorts. It's a product designed to get you up and running a game with little to no prep time needed for the Game Master and only a short time needed to make the streamlined characters for the players. There's enough variety in what can be built to be able to drop your players into any setting you choose. Pickup and play super hero games for the win.

Another great item the up for free is the Cypher System Rule Primer, which includes the basic rules for playing the Cypher System. Between these two products you have quick character generation, scenario generation, and the rules you need to play. Oh and before I forget a one shot scenario to play!

You can get hold of these awesome products from the Monte Cook Games Webstore by following these convenient links I've got right here Cypher Shorts, and the Cypher System Rules Primer.

It's a product I intend to use for impromptu one shots when I don't have enough players show up for our regular game and there are two people staring across the table saying "Well now what?". If you've been looking for something different to play give it a shot you may get as hooked as I am.

Keep on Gaming